I just need to keep track of all the cute things this kid comes up with...Love him!
One of Potatoes's favorite books is about this toddler named Rodney who is terrorizing his block village toys. One night, we were reading the book, and got to the page where Rodzilla is lying on the ground crying.
"Rodzilla crying for his daddy...It's ok, Xander's mommy hug, be ok."
Then we got to the end where Rodney's parents walk in, and Potatoes 'grabs' each one and says, "My mommy, my daddy, hug Rodzilla"
We are constantly talking about
"daddy work trip. Bryan, Agho"
His favorite story continues to be "roll pins, daddy," as we went bowling twice the last week before Daniel left. He also talks about, "Rage daddy, Bryan, Agho."
His favorite story continues to be "roll pins, daddy," as we went bowling twice the last week before Daniel left. He also talks about, "Rage daddy, Bryan, Agho."
He misses his crew, but is resilient.
My leaving for the championship game while Daniel is gone was a bit hard on Xander. He did great the first day, waking up and telling Jan,
"Mommy, Craig, Football!"
but he knew I was gone for two nights, so he was expecting me back when he woke up that next morning. The school reported that he cried nearly the whole day, using toys at school to call mommy and daddy throughout the day. His sweet friends gave him lots of hugs, but he was virtually inconsolable. When I picked him up, he gave me a big hug, and then went right back to playing. He was fine! When we were driving home, he explained to me,
"Daddy gone work trip. Talk on phone."
One morning, Jan was sleeping, and Xander was wanting to wake her up. I wanted to let her sleep. His response, "Where'd five more minutes go?"
Does he understand the snooze button already?
Some of my favorite things Potatoes says:
ding bell (door bell)
no way houzey
dokie dokie (okie dokey)
sure (his matter-of-fact answer to a question)
pupcakes (cupcakes- still his favorite toy)
Some of my least favorite:
Go away!
No way! Big Trouble! Time out two minutes!
No kisses mommy (break my heart!)
Though this is all about my cute little monster, my brother said something that I feel must be included in remembering silly things said:
My brother called and said he just had to share this thought he had. It was so profound, it had woken him up from a nap.
"Someone hands you a shelled peanut. What is is called? A peanut. So, you crack open the shell, eat one of the two nuts inside, toss the shell, and hold the remaining nut in your hand. What do you have? A peanut!! It's still just called a peanut! Whoa, right?!"
I seriously thought my brother was trying to console me for spending too much on the championship ticket. Regardless of the fact that I paid for the shell and the extra nut, the only thing that mattered was that I got a ticket, and in the end, it was still a ticket to the greatest game of the year. Ok, I like it! Nope. My brother was not intending to make an analogy. Just an observation that a peanut is a peanut, shelled or unshelled. Good story, bro! It had meaning to me and for that I thank you!
I'm sure I am missing a lot of the silly things Potatoes says. He starts talking as soon as he wakes up, and does not stop until he lays his head down to sleep. Most of the time, I can understand exactly what he is trying to say, and even when I can't, he knows what he is saying. He is not one to babble...he's got a point and he intends to make it!
I'm hoping one day he will learn the value of listening in addition to speaking, but for now, I will soak up the insight into how the wheels of his brain are turning.