Saturday, January 20, 2024

Papa Visits The Crew!

We always love a visit from Papa and this past weekend was no exception!

Papa arrived late Friday night so the boys woke up to him being here on Saturday.  They jumped into his arms immediately! 

That morning Papa got to see the Raptors's first basketball game which ended in an exciting buzzer beater to win the game!

Getting Zoey involved in the block building

Papa showed off his incredible top spinning skills and had us laughing over stories of getting in trouble at school for having top spinning battles with his friends during class.

The whole Martin Crew soaked up snuggles with Papa

We had an intense game of tag

Ending tag with a family hand circle

We had a super fun playdate while Papa was here

It always makes me so happy when Alexander and his friends include Nikolai

Papa reading to Niko during basketball practice

Heading down to the neighborhood pond to collect a sample for our new microscopes

We found solid evidence to support not drinking the water!

We are in full winter mode!

We love visits from Papa and are so grateful that he made the cross-country trip through snow and ice (his car had over an inch of ice when he arrived at the airport in Oregon!) to come see our crew!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Miracle of Christmas


We had a whirlwind holiday and it was one of the best ever!!!
I am late on this post so it's going to be a bit of a photo dump.

So many memories
White chocolate snowman hot chocolate bomb

Experiment time- volcano building

Cookie decorating during a buddy sleepover

Climbing gym with our faves

These two!  Nikolai will happily express his intentions to marry this lovely lady.

We had a terrifying afternoon with Niko having his elbow popped out of place.  Our fabulous friend and neighbor, Christine, rushed over and fixed him right up.  We celebrated with pizza, more cookie decorating, and play time.  We are so lucky to call this family our friends!

Christmas is the beginning story of the greatest miracle of all time.  We had our own modern day Christmas miracle when Daniel surprised us on Christmas Eve Eve by coming home!!!

Our family. Complete when together.  We are blessed!

Christmas morning was magical

Niko had the big pull, getting a ultra rare Pokemon card from Santa

Alexander diving into his daily devotional sent by Ahgo and Emily

A headset for his Tonie

Exploring his very own microscope from Aunt Mary
Our boys are so lucky to be from a family of science nerds!
Aunt Mary, Aunt Heidi and Daddy were all biology majors!

This Christmas was definitely a Pokemon Christmas.  Nikolai is now able to truly play the game, so we are able to get involved!

Niko may not have gotten his Chritstmas wish of deer poop, but we did have a live tick under our tree on Christmas morning.  Did it fall off the fur of Santa's coat?  I am all about Christmas magic, but a little weirded out that the last two years have proven magical through feces and parasites....

We got to watch all the great Christmas movies.  Together.

Making our second gingerbread house, after Zoey ate our first, which was an entire village!  She ate the school, the church, and three houses!  Naughty pup.

More science experiments!

Just after Christmas day, we escaped to Sugar Mountain to hit the slopes with Uncle Craig
Though it's been a while, Alexander found his ski legs immediately and had a total blast

Niko's favorite part was making snowballs

Ice skating was more slush skating, but that didn't take away from the fun!

Geared up for our final gameday of the season

The boys got their final Christmas present the day of our bowl game

Just before New Years, Niko was hit with Norovirus.  Through throwing up and diarrhea, which lasted for five days, our boy managed to keep smiling and find good moments.  He has such a bright spirit.

Our annual Alexander after Christmas tree chopping

Daniel helped Niko get involved

Not every moment was a happy one

Such a cutie in his new hat from Aunt Robin

How we brought in 2024

IT was a beautiful Christmas season.  I am excited to say the boys are at an age where I often find them playing happily together without the need for us entertaining them.  We love card games and board games, with Pokemon and Taco vs Burrito being the favorites.  We also let them play old school video games on the switch, like Double Dragon and Mario.
Alexander read seven chapter books on his own over the Christmas break and Niko listened to the complete Frog and Toad series at least seven times.  We also listened to many audiobooks, with their favorite being Horrid Henry.
We have our moments of fighting, whining, and frustration, but overall, we are in a really good place right now.  We are just endlessly grateful that Daniel is home and we are doing all the things as a complete family.