Sunday, September 4, 2016

We Have a Crawler!

Milestone to begin the Mayhem: We Have a Crawler!

After thinking about it for nearly a month and deciding it was just too much work, Alexander finally decided that his beloved sister was motivation enough to get on the move!
This happened during Daniel's work Fantasy Football draft, thus the background noise, but I could not miss the opportunity to get it on camera.

Since his first crawl, he has decided it is not intimidating at all and pulls himself all over the house.  I have sources (Aunt Leaha) who say he uses his new mobility to chase after the girls in his classroom all day at school.  

As usual, this big milestone came after a week of terrible sleep.  Luckily, since crawling, he is once again sleeping through the night.  That brain really works hard at night to help him do new things!  I was completely exhausted after just a week of bad sleep even with working only three days.  I have no idea how I made it through the four months of sleepless nights when I was working more hours.  Praise God for mama strength!

Time to baby proof

Photo Drop
GrandCracker sent us this hardcore wagon after Xander loved his Colorado Radio Flyer so much
Oh the cuteness!

He was so excited for his first neighborhood wagon ride

Beautiful girl waiting for Daddy to get home

Fence squirrel- her favorite

Up from a nap to watch the Dawgs get their first victory with our new coach

Happy Labor Day!

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