Thursday, January 23, 2020

Weekend Visitors

We had a great visit with Ahgo this past weekend!
Nikolai's smile says it all

Both boys certainly showered Ahgo with attention

This may have been the first time Nikolai was up and active for Anne

After major weather delays and crazy snow driving, we were able to meet Adam's girlfriend, Emily

It is easy to see the Martin Crew felt Emily fit right in!

On Sunday, we headed up to Mount Charleston for some sledding fun

As usual, Alexander stepped up as the ring leader, telling the adults whose turn it was.  We try very hard to temper his tendency to boss adults, but sometimes we let his natural leadership tendencies shine through.

Nikolai went down a couple times and seemed to love it as much as last time

Even Zoey took a ride!  She is not shy about letting you know when things stress her out.  Surprisingly, she was perfectly calm going down the sled.  She just didn't like it when Daniel put his feet out of the sled to start slowing down.

After a good nap, we got back together to watch the play-offs.  Bryan may have been disappointed to see the Packers lose, but he stepped up to enjoying some baby snuggles.

It was an honor to host Emily, especially knowing the struggle it took for her to get to Vegas (two canceled flights, and finally a three hour snow laden car ride to a different airport).  Ahgo is family and it really means a lot for us to have been able to spend time with Emily and him together.  We had a great weekend and look forward to spending more time with Emily and Adam in the future!

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