Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy Five Months, Nikolai!

This exhausting little dude was five months old yesterday!

Baby Shark eats ALL the time and yet isn't gaining any weight.  He is getting longer though!  He is currently in 12 month pajamas!

He just wants to be near the people he loves at all times

Doesn't look like a skinny dude, but the scale don't lie!

He is constantly watching Alexander and his favorite thing to do is play fight with big brother and daddy

He had a rough time with his 4 month shots even though we split them up
Between fourmonth shots and the fourth developmental leap, this guy had a rough time this past month

He now HATES the car seat....
and has been waking up every thirty minutes at night...

But we've had some good times this past month, too

Night out!

Chick Fil A fun

Dave and Busters

I missed the chance to get a picture of Alexander having his first play date where he and his friend played upstairs on their own...for hours.  We can't wait to hangout with Zach again!

Fun with daddy

Pinkeye hit
Alexander got pinkeye first, and it cleared up with Liquid Gold within 24 hours

Nikolai caught it as soon as Alexander was cleared up, and passed it from eye to eye for five days.  We did a LOT laundry and disinfecting and are officially in the clear!

Snuggles on clean sheets

If only this would last....

Alexander has stepped up to help in my zombie state.  While waiting to go to the park, he independently cleaned up the back yard!

A second night out without the boys.  Hard milkshakes and burgers with great company for the win!

I forgive you, little dude.  Just keep smiling.

Zoey has been very patient when lack of sleep has meant fewer walks

My heart

Nikolai loves every food we have tried and eats by the spoonful, but I'm going to take a break from solids to see if maybe his tummy is keeping him up at night

He rolls from back to front and front to back and loves to sleep on his side

He likes his NUK pacifier and a blanket by his cheek

He is more interested in standing and walking than in sitting

He loves to be outside and on the go, so long as the car seat is not involved

He talks all the time and has no volume control....I have tons of videos of him screeching and laughing for minutes on end.  He has started doing this in the middle of the night as well.

We are kind of between size two and size three diapers, 12 month pjs, and 9 month clothes

He cries if we leave his sight and wants his people to be nearby at all times

He loves to participate in whatever everyone is doing, but mostly what alexander is doing

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