Saturday, November 28, 2020

Thanksgiving Like no Other


What a year!  We were so grateful to be able to have a family meal.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Good food, good company, and no other expectations.  It was extra special this year as Grandpa was able to drive in after spending two months in the hospital with Valley Fever and Jan surprised me by flying in.

Jan flew in from my cousin Melanie's in St Louis and brought with her toys and puzzles that Mel's boys have outgrown.  Alexander stayed up super late exploring the new toys.

Unfortunately, I pulled a muscle in my back on Thanksgiving.  I cannot express the pain it is causing me.  It hurts to breath!  Thank God for family.  Jan took on the entire dinner, while also helping Grandpa and Gammie entertain the boys.  My neighbor and dearest friend Jennifer came over three times on Thanksgiving to help me stretch, prop me up and ice me, and help me figure out the best medicine combination.  She had a similar injury after having Logen so she was a mastermind caregiver.  I have never felt so helpless.

Grandpa's gift of a foosball table really saved the day

What it looks like when Jan is in charge of the boys...

This guy is cutting at least four teeth and his mama can't pick him up.  He has been a trooper though.

We said goodbye to Joey and Grandpa on Friday as they headed back to Tucson.  We have really become fond of Joey and I know we are all going to miss his high energy, but I am so thrilled that Steve is continuing to feel better and able to reunite with his pup.

I just need my back to get better before Jan leaves Monday.  I thought I was on the mend yesterday, but woke up this morning to the strongest muscle spasms I have had yet... Thankfully Alexander went to the campground with Gammie, Jan is running ragged with Nikolai, and my neighbors all have my back...pun intended!  I am so thankful for my community.

Saturday, November 21, 2020



We had a blast celebrating Friendsgiving at Aly's house last night 

The kids made an adorable turkey craft and ran around the yard

The kids all get along so well! It is really a great group.

After some running around and crafting, we had it inside for delicious food prepared by Aly. We forgot to take any pictures once we moved inside, but the evening was just perfect.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am excited for the coming week!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Fall Photo Drop


We have been crazy busy around here!
Nikolai continues to grow, with his pediatrician calling him "huge" and saying "He is the size of a two year old."  His height may be in the 99th percentile, but his BMI is in the 6th.  We have muscular boys, that's for sure!

Niko has more words now:
Mama (used for mommy and daddy at the moment)
Ah Ah Ah (Alexander)
Buh (ball and pumpkin)
Uh (Up)
Wawa (water)

He seems to maybe be favoring his left hand

He is a great climber!

He is able to walk across a room, but prefers to hold onto something or crawl

He is sleeping through the night!!  Well, for the most part.

He loves to wave to everyone.  He and Alexander are so similar it just amazes me.  They are truly cut from the same cloth!  The climbing, the social nature, the love of adventure.  They are both bright, athletic, social little boys, and they both stole the hearts of their parents.

We said 'See ya soon' to Daniel yesterday for a stateside "deployment" and to Grandmomma on Sunday as she goes to stay with her brothers for a while.  I am working on figuring out some part time work and trying to burn Joey's puppy energy. 
Here's to a season of thankfulness!