Friday, November 6, 2020

Fall Photo Drop


We have been crazy busy around here!
Nikolai continues to grow, with his pediatrician calling him "huge" and saying "He is the size of a two year old."  His height may be in the 99th percentile, but his BMI is in the 6th.  We have muscular boys, that's for sure!

Niko has more words now:
Mama (used for mommy and daddy at the moment)
Ah Ah Ah (Alexander)
Buh (ball and pumpkin)
Uh (Up)
Wawa (water)

He seems to maybe be favoring his left hand

He is a great climber!

He is able to walk across a room, but prefers to hold onto something or crawl

He is sleeping through the night!!  Well, for the most part.

He loves to wave to everyone.  He and Alexander are so similar it just amazes me.  They are truly cut from the same cloth!  The climbing, the social nature, the love of adventure.  They are both bright, athletic, social little boys, and they both stole the hearts of their parents.

We said 'See ya soon' to Daniel yesterday for a stateside "deployment" and to Grandmomma on Sunday as she goes to stay with her brothers for a while.  I am working on figuring out some part time work and trying to burn Joey's puppy energy. 
Here's to a season of thankfulness!

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