Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Gammie's Golden Birthday!

My mom originally planned to leave Las Vegas at the end of December,  but at my continued encouraging,  she kept extending her stay. When we started talking about plans for her birthday, it only made sense for her to stay and celebrate with us!

It was a very special birthday:70 on the 7th.  A golden birthday, for sure!

The weather was gorgeous!

We headed to the park to meet up with friends.  My mom received a couple fabulous gifts and cards from my neighbors.  She has become a staple in our park gatherings and will be missed by many!

We did a lot of celebrating on Saturday, because her birthday fell on super bowl Sunday
While the boys went to a birthday party, my mom and I got to enjoy pedicures and lunch at a Thai restaurant.  We were so into the company, I forgot to take any pictures!

We had a gluten-free cake made by Retro Bakery so my mom could enjoy this birthday staple.  She requested no candles, fearing we might burn the house down!

We have made so many memories with Gammie over the last four months!

Gammie requested meatloaf for her birthday dinner

Both boys loved it

We had a great Zoom call with Jan and Heidi, during which my mom opened her present
Thank you to all who contributed a message for my mom's birthday book.  She was overcome by the love she received.  She is such a special person, and it was an honor to be able to compile the sweet contributions to share with her.

Aly and my mom will certainly remain friends for the long haul

Niko may be too young to hold onto any specific memories from this time with Gammie, but the bond they have formed will last forever

My brother sent Daniel picanha steaks as a welcome home present.  We figured the Super Bowl and Gammie's birthday created the perfect opportunity to fire up the grill for these beauties!

A Brazilian cut that promised not to dissapoint!

So good!

The game was unexpected and entertaining.  We had Bryan and Anne over to watch it with us, and we continued my mom's birthday celebration while watching the game.

My mom hit the road yesterday after four months of soaking up grand baby snuggles.  I know it will be a hard transition for all of us, but I keep reminding myself to focus on the joyful memories we created, and to begin planning for her next trip.

We love you, Mama.  See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much. I'm glad I got to be a part of it. Happy Birthday Kay! Love to all the Watkins and extended Watkins family - Kris
