Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Viva Las Vegas....Well, Sort Of


I got to kick off my spring break with this beautiful lady!!

Rachel and I have been trying to plan a trip for over a year, but with COVID precautions, it just wasn't in the cards.  Now that we are both on our way to being fully vaccinated, and while Delta is still leaving an empty seat, Rachel scheduled her flight and I could not have been more excited!

Y'all, I can't even begin to express how much this woman means to me.  She is one of my oldest friends.  She stood by my side on my wedding day, after making our grooms cake, doing my hair, taking over day-of-coordination when things started to go awry....she co-hosted Alexander's baby shower, and hosted Niko's, even with a last minute venue change.  She has always been there for me in the biggest sense.  We may not talk every week, or even every month, but when we get together it's just like being back in college....except for all the things that come with having kids.

Like trying to share her attention with my boy who loves getting attention from pretty ladies

I didn't even get a picture with Rachel until the third day of her trip because this little rascal kept stealing her away!

In a real plot twist, poor Nikolai developed a horrific stomach bug within twelve hours of Rachel's plane landing.  He was in good spirits, but was exploding from both ends.  This halted our hiking plans and kept us pretty much homebound for much of Rachel's visit.
Unfortunately, while the rest of the Martin crew avoided the bug, Rachel managed to catch it.  It was awful and there was pretty much nothing I could do but load up on Pedialyte and crackers, but thankfully it passed quickly and we were able top venture to the strip for Rachel's last night in Vegas.

The Bellagio gardens are always so beautiful, and a better photo op now with the limited occupancy

We had fun catching the fountain show and getting drinks at the Chandelier Bar at the Cosmo.

The trip was definitely too short, but we managed to squeeze in some great times and new memories, including Rachel running me into the ground as I tried to keep up with her on a run.  She was literally dancing and spinning in circles while I checked my watch to confirm my heart rate was at 180bpm.

Until next time!  Love you, girl.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Can We Slow Down Time?

Our 'baby' is 18 months old!

He still smiles all the time and brightens our household with his silliness and loving nature

Working on fine motor

The snow was too soft and got into the boys' clothes so our sledding this year was not a huge hit with the little ones...

Niko went into the closet and pulled out the scooter and the helmet.  He loves all things with wheels!

Somehow our princess rounded out her ninth birthday this week.  How can this be?

Niko loves his furry sister so much and can often be found sitting with her, hugging her, filling her water bowl, or playing with her.  She has come to love him, but Alexander is still her everything.

Two peas in a pod

From snow to sunshine, Las Vegas has it all!


Daniel tore his shoulder skiing with Alexander last week.  He is fairly certain it was dislocated, but he popped it back into place on the slopes.  He somehow managed to ski down the slope with Alexander, carry the gear back to the car (with a little help from his Bro), and drive himself to the hospital.  We are waiting to see what the orthopedist says, but the recovery time is long and the boys are already struggling without their main rough house buddy


Nikolai has so many more words from a few months ago when he was only saying, "MAMA!" usually in a loud, agitated tone

Niko is now saying Dada, Duh for dog, NahNah for banana, Tuh for TV, and he has three animal sounds, Bah Bah, Roar (the cutest little whisper growl), and trumpeting like an elephant.  His babbling also has a much bigger variety of sounds than it used to

He and Alexander continue to get closer and closer.  They play so well together!  Alexander made up a game where he hollers, "Leh Go!" and takes off running across the house.  Niko runs as fast as his toddling legs can to catch up.  When he gets close, Alexander cries, "Leh Go!" again and they take off in the other direction.  Niko loves to build, bounce, and hammer with his brother, as well as to pass or kick a ball, or spin in circles.  The neighborhood big kids all include Niko in games whenever possible.

He loves to climb still, but has slowed down his death defying feats, choosing the slide instead of dancing with one leg hanging off the top of the playground, and sitting on the couch instead of running on it or diving over the side of it

He is our cleaner upper.  He puts his laundry in the basket, puts his shoes and toys away, helps feed Zoey, and in general, just notices mess more than big brother

Niko runs into class every day without looking back, carrying his jacket to his cubby before starting to play

He loves music!  He is always dancing, and prompting us to sing.  His current favorites are Five Little Monkeys, Wheels on the Bus, Baby Shark, and everything CocoMelon

He still loves his farm books, but is not as crazy about Old MacDonald as he was when he was younger

He is sleeping much better, usually waking up between 4am and 5am, wanting a bottle and usually needing a stinky diaper change

He isn't eating as much right now, preferring milk to real foods.  I couldn't even name a favorite food, or anything I can 

I got my second COVID vaccine yesterday and Daniel gets his Friday!

I cannot believe how fast my babies are growing and am trying to hold onto every moment.

Monday, March 8, 2021

School Days

 Our big guy is officially registered for kindergarten!

After months of subbing at different charter schools, and lots and lots of prayer, we have decided to enroll Alexander into a private Christian school!

When I went to pick Alexander up at school for his kindergarten assessment at the new school, he had a little note in his pocket, right over his heart.  Our sweet boy was feeling nervous about the test, so Ms. Melissa sent him off with words of encouragement.  We have been so blessed to have her in our lives this year!

Not surprisingly, Alexander was deemed more than ready for kindergarten, and we officially have him registered!

While Alexander gets ready for kindergarten, Niko is really getting into a routine with his class!  He loves his teachers and never even looks back to say goodbye.

To be extra studious looking, Alexander has started wearing glasses. We thought he had a lazy eye, as we began noticing his left eye kept turning into his nose.  When we took him to the eye doctor, we found out his vision is such that his brain was turning off the left eye in order to see as best as he could.  The doctor was surprised to find out that we have not had any behavior or learning problems.  He is far sighted in both eyes and is doing great adjusting to his glasses!

In between school and work we have been enjoying lots of good family time.

The boys had a blast celebrating our bestie Andy's birthday at the movies!

My heart is full of love for all my boys!!