Thursday, December 29, 2022

Christmas Photo Blast!


I am once again full of fabulous memories and tons of pictures and don't know where to start sharing. Major photo blast!

Our Christmas season began by our big guy turning seven. I was so blessed to be able to spend half the day with him, because we have chapel and his class has PE on Thursdays.  Plus his class party fell on my lunchbreak so I got to be there for that, too! Teaching with the boys is the greatest blessing of my career!

He has been amazing from the day he was born. My dad put it so well once when he said he knew he was biased as Alexander's grandfather, but really, this boy is very special.  He is brilliant (like 12x13 mental math brilliant), artistic, athletic, and social. He is far from being the easiest child to parent, but I know the traits that challenge me are what will help make him a true leader.

Our baking adventures continue with a red velvet dilophosaurus cake

A 3D puzzle of Blue

And then Christmas!
I stopped sending Christmas cards years ago. I absolutely love receiving Christmas cards in the mail, but just can't get one out for our crew... so I like a digital card.  I snuck it in this year, making this on Christmas morning while I waited for the rest of the house to wake up.

Christmas party


After the party, we headed to Atlanta for a few days
The boys have been waiting for Gammie to take them to Tiny Town since Niko's birthday

They loved getting driver's licenses!

Niko has improved his driving skills tremendously since our Disney trip in May

We filled our short Atlanta visit!

We love having most of our family in one spot

Lunch date with my Weston!

All the Daisy love!

The skies were gray the entire time but that didnt bring us down!

Jan's basement abode is perfect for cousin hangouts! 

Daisy is ready for the big game on New Year's Eve!

Bryan, Anne, and Zachary drove in on our last day.  Their drive was much harder than expected so we felt very lucky that they finished a long (long) day by making time for us!

We made it back to North Carolina for Christmas!

Our big one has turned into a puzzle master.
Three hundred pieces, no assistance allowed, in under three hours.

Gammie came home with us for Christmas!

Painting a Christmas train

A new Christmas Eve tradition, Christmas Legos!

Niko gave Santa and his elves quite the task, asking for a Halloween Store (think Spirit Halloween). I doubt any tree has ever had more skulls, bats, spiders, and pumpkins beneath it! This is only the lower portion. Our walls were covered in Halloween things, too!

Daniel received some Halloween goodies from the boys as well

Gammie scored big with her gifts of a shopping cart and cash register to help set up Niko's store

Niko picked Hungry, Hungry Hippos as his gift to Gammie. And then beat her relentlessly every time they played! 

Both boys have spent hours playing with their gifts. This must be why school is out for the week between Christmas and New Year’s.

Alexander's main ask was for Nano Blocks.... teeny, tiny, Lego-style blocks. He got three sets total.

Santa brought a target which has been put to much use already 

Alexander got Niko a chemistry set.  Slime, volcanoes, acids and bases. We have had a blast already!

Toddler Karaoke and Quiet Legos... life is all about balance

The day after Christmas we headed to Virginia to spend time with G-Momma

We found a puzzle and had a blast working together. We also brought shooting discs and had an all out game of shoot and catch. The boys always leave wanting more time with their G-Momma which really warms my soul.

Gammie headed back to Atlanta this morning and now we prepare for the Deshazo fam to arrive.  We will pack this time with as much love as we can.

We are so grateful for the gifts this season brings and rejoice in the meaning of Christmas.  We are able to move forward from the mistakes we make by the story that began at Christmas. Here's to trying a little harder in the new year to recognize that gift!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Birthday Blog

i tried to switch ages with one my dearest students and birthday twin, but she didn't want to take the three in front of her nine, so here's to my final year of my thirties!

My birthday began with my boys being extra sweet and cooperative and a surprise birthday crown made by Alexander.  He asked me to wear it all day and that is exactly what i did!

My work bestie surprised me with beautiful flowers, and a vase that held about a fourth of them. This is how we roll in specials, y'all! And I fit right in!

After school I got to enjoy a fun staff party with a memorable rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas, sung by admin and Senora Saenz, performed by my work bestie, Mrs Thompson, and myself (do not ask for video evidence, just think geese a laying, turtle doves, and the whole shebamg).

With Daniel away, I knew I needed to wrap up my birthday in a way that meant the kids were fed and entertained without me continuing to provide the entertainment. Chuck E Cheese is a perfect 39th birthday spot!

Niko invited his best girl

We may have just experienced his first date

I didn't get any pictures of Alexander and his best bud, Vincent, as they were running this way and that the whole time. Vincent's big sister joined the fun and was such a sweet helper with the Littles, that I actually got to sit and enjoy the company of the other moms. It was a real birthday treat.

Driving home, Niko said, "Mommy, why didn't we get cake at your birthday party?" I asked if he made me a cake. Without a cake made by my boys, there was no cake to be had.

Until we got to the house and were surprised by my main girl, Rachel, who had cupcakes delivered to our door!
One even had a candle and said Happy Birthday. Perfection.
The boys sang to me, we shared a cupcake (or two), and all crashed.

I think this year is going to be another good one!