Friday, December 9, 2022

Birthday Blog

i tried to switch ages with one my dearest students and birthday twin, but she didn't want to take the three in front of her nine, so here's to my final year of my thirties!

My birthday began with my boys being extra sweet and cooperative and a surprise birthday crown made by Alexander.  He asked me to wear it all day and that is exactly what i did!

My work bestie surprised me with beautiful flowers, and a vase that held about a fourth of them. This is how we roll in specials, y'all! And I fit right in!

After school I got to enjoy a fun staff party with a memorable rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas, sung by admin and Senora Saenz, performed by my work bestie, Mrs Thompson, and myself (do not ask for video evidence, just think geese a laying, turtle doves, and the whole shebamg).

With Daniel away, I knew I needed to wrap up my birthday in a way that meant the kids were fed and entertained without me continuing to provide the entertainment. Chuck E Cheese is a perfect 39th birthday spot!

Niko invited his best girl

We may have just experienced his first date

I didn't get any pictures of Alexander and his best bud, Vincent, as they were running this way and that the whole time. Vincent's big sister joined the fun and was such a sweet helper with the Littles, that I actually got to sit and enjoy the company of the other moms. It was a real birthday treat.

Driving home, Niko said, "Mommy, why didn't we get cake at your birthday party?" I asked if he made me a cake. Without a cake made by my boys, there was no cake to be had.

Until we got to the house and were surprised by my main girl, Rachel, who had cupcakes delivered to our door!
One even had a candle and said Happy Birthday. Perfection.
The boys sang to me, we shared a cupcake (or two), and all crashed.

I think this year is going to be another good one!

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