Tuesday, August 2, 2022

She Said Yes! Baby Shower Wedding Surprise!

When Craig and Heidi called me to say they were having an extra special baby shower, the boys and I packed and hit the road within an hour! We weren't planning to make the shower since we will be back for another one in a couple weeks, but this shower was not to be missed.

Craig asked, and Heidi said YES!

Gotcha! Surprise Wedding Day!

Heidi has been a true part of our family for more than a decade.  We are very excited to make it official!

Showing up to celebrate Baby Daisy at a beautiful baby shower

This guy is more than a cousin.  He is like a second brother to me. He has always been there for me and we have stayed super close no matter how far my family has moved away.  I'm excited to be just a day's drive away!

My Shorna!  Seeing this beautiful lady three times in a month is definitely spoiling me

The whole place was filled with joy for Daisy and Craig and Heidi!

Jan put together a slideshow of pictures of Craig and Heidi.  At the end of the slideshow, it said,
They're Getting Married!

Jan Jan wore her Daisy shirt in honor of her coming granddaughter

Our boys got asked to be in the wedding. Nikolai was thrilled with his task of being the Flower Bearer

Alexander shared Ring Bearer duties with Ford and the two became fast friends

They played Legos together until the surprise was announced

Heidi's sister, Tiffany, put the whole wedding together in just three days!  She and her business partner, Ford's mom, are seriously able to make magic!

Heidi's best friend, Allison
She gave the best toast.  Their friendship is one of those forever deals!

My handsome boys

Heidi is such a Stunning Bride

Nikolai had to know where Uncle Craig was at all times

Gammie loved having a surprise visit from her grands

We stayed up too late and celebrated too hard
This is pretty much what our day looked like the next day!

This was a weekend for the books! We are so excited for Craig, Heidi, and Daisy!

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