Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Mayhem in May

 What a month!

It was a whirlwind filled with memories and mayhem.  We finished school with an indoor, but still incredible, field day, awards, and friends.  We wrapped up soccer season with our beloved Pumas.  We celebrated Daniel's birthday, our wedding anniversary, and Mother's Day.  We kicked off summer with indoor skydiving, a family vacation and a visit from Gammie and Jan.  The blessings are abundant!

Gammie loves being Queen Imagination in the boys' classrooms

Teacher Appreciation Week was an incredible finale to a great school year

PE Gals on Field Day

These two became fast friends over field day

Mother's Day Smoothies

Mother's Day Hiking

My first baby

I don't get to go on many field trips, but when it is planned by the PE ladies, I go!

Omega Field Trip

End of year Fifth grade Fiesta

Anniversary Dinner Out

Birthday Celebrations

Twister Cake - to honor one of Daniel's favorite birthday memories which consisted of the movie Twister in theaters and Pizza Hut with the arcade

The boys picked out Legos for Daniel's present so they could build together

Daniel's final birthday treat was indoor skydiving.  It was a combo event, as Alexander has asked for this for his birthday two years in a row.

Chick Fil A before Indoor Skydiving

Ready for Action

I was goofy smiling the whole time!

It was a blast!

As soon as school let out, we took off to Busch Gardens and Water Country USA

Getting to ride solo in the first car of the Grover Coaster!

We made it home for our final soccer game of the season
We love our Pumas!  We ended the season undefeated when 
Coach Daniel wore his lucky number 13 jersey


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