Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Father's Day

Though my dad had to leave, our little crew still had a wonderful Father's Day.

Though this is Daniel's first Father's Day as a daddy to a human, Zoey says he's been a daddy for four years.  She made sure she was included in his Father's Day present, having me paint her a bandanna to match the rest of the crew.

We spent our day playing disc golf and enjoying quality time together, and then spent the early evening in the pool.

This boy loves the water!

Though inside tummy time maxes out at about 5 minutes, Alexander will do 15-20 minutes straight if he's outside.

Photo Drop:
We had a great time (as always) walking with our buddies Elena, Magnus, and Paisley on Friday

Magnus shared a squeezy pouch with Alexander

It was his first time with a pouch and with carrots.  He loved it so much he was largely independent in feeding himself!

We are back to waking up throughout the night.  This makes for a very tired mommy.  I'm praying this ends soon and results in some great milestones!

Oh my crew!  We are so blessed!
Who needs sleep when you've got a crew this sweet?  Oh, wait.  I do...

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