Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy Birthday, Magnus!

We had an amazing weekend!
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of hosting a birthday party for Magnus.  Magnus is the son of one of my closest friends, Elena (can you see how happy we are to spend time together?).  She moved to Alabama a year ago, and is getting ready to move again, while both her and her husband's families are here in town.  She was looking to host his party locally, and I jumped on the chance to spend as much time with this family as possible!

Elena and her parents put together the cutest Dory themed pool party.

Xander and Kiera practiced their kicking- they start swim together this Saturday!

Xander loved getting in the water once Magnus's dad, Ian, was with the boys.

Magnus even had family fly in from Ireland!

Magnus shares a birthday with his Uncle Connor, so the party was a dual celebration

We partied so hard, we didn't sit down to open gifts until everyone was pretty much gone.  Magnus didn't mind at all, he loved only having to guard his new loot from one kiddo!

These two have been friends since before they were born

Pizza on a bike

The party was all action, so my pictures are far from professional, but we had such a blast.  It is always wonderful to see Elena, and the last few times we have gotten together, Magnus and Ian have not joined, so it was great to see the whole family.  It is so cool to see where Xander will be in a little over six months!

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