Sunday, July 16, 2017

Showering Baby Ward

Last weekend, I made a quick trip home to Atlanta.

One of my very best friends, Rachel, is getting close to having a baby boy with her husband, Tyler.

I didn't think I was going to be able to make the trip, so I called Rachel to tell her that I hated to miss the shower.  With both of us having crazy schedules, we never actually connected on the phone.

With a last minute change, I was able to head to Atlanta while Daniel stayed home with Alexander.
I ended up surprising Rachel by being there!!

I love this pretty lady so much!

It was so great to see my beautiful friend.  She was the first of our group to have a baby, EIGHT years ago!  Now, she is ready to welcome another little boy.
Of our college friends, we now have 12 babies (I think I'm counting right) and there are only two girls.  It wasn't a surprise when we found out both Rachel and Shelly were having another boy to add to our pack!

Funny story- apparently, there was another Rachel and Tyler Ward baby registry in Georgia!  Rachel opened this pillow and asked, "Did I register for this?"

Possibly just as strange I didn't see that registry, but bought her this pajama set that matched the pillow in question perfectly!  Maybe you should think about changing your nursery decor???

Baby argyle socks-cuteness!

Rachel's longest friend, Annick, is about to go into Real Estate, also!

These beautiful ladies through a fantastic shower that was perfectly Rachel!

I drove to Atlanta late Saturday and left after the shower Sunday.  Despite the trip being incredibly short, I missed my little man so much.  This was only the second night I had ever spent away from him, and last time I was out for the Night to Shine Special Needs Prom, so I was very busy dancing the night away.  This time, my mom and I watched a movie and then I had breakfast with my dad and Jay.  Though it was a great, slow paced trip, it was strange not having to run after my crazy toddler.  

I love you already, Baby Ward!


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