Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I Thought this was Supposed to Help....

Last Monday, we loaded up the car at 5 a.m. and headed to Pensacola for Potatoes to have surgery.

After four ear infections in four months and fluid in his ears continuously, it was decided that he needed tubes in his ears.

He was a champ throughout waiting for over four and a half hours, playing with daddy the whole time.

Of course, little man couldn't eat or drink anything before the procedure.  Because Daniel and I joined him in fasting, Daniel proposed we run across the street for a Cinnabon once Xander was finally taken back.

The worried mom in me couldn't stand to leave the hospital while my little guy was inside.  I walked Daniel to the car, and by the time I got back upstairs, they were in the waiting room, calling out, "Martin?  Martin?"
Thank God I was there!

As the nurse walked me back to the recovery area, I could hear Alexander screaming from around the corner.  Though he was happy to see me, he continually cried for daddy until Daniel arrived, about ten minutes later.

I have heard many stories of the miraculous benefits of this surgery.
This has not been our experience.

Potatoes was miserable for the first five days after the surgery.
His school called me twice in three days to say he was being highly aggressive towards other children.
He also developed thick build up in his ears, which, when I finally reached a nurse, I was told indicated that both incisions had become infected.  I was then told how to clean his ears so that the antibiotic drops could get down to the tubes.  Once I did this, my poor boy has screamed bloody murder every time I apply the drops.

His speech was pretty above average already, so I was not expecting to have a huge change.  I can say that he very clearly said "Hi Gammie" when my mom called, though, which he had previously always called my mom something resembling 'mammy.'  So that's something.

I have to trust in God and the doctors that this surgery was for the best, but so far, it has been far from miraculous.

I must admit, though, that his experience was better than his Uncle Ryan's.
My poor brother was not given any anesthesia when he had tubes put in, and it was so horrific, he remembers the pain to this day.  When my brother had to have them put in again, the new doctor told my mom that someone should be disbarred for such a barbaric practice.  At least Xander (nor me) had to endure that horror!

Photo Drop and Milestones

Potatoes's favorite color is purple....
Ask him the color of anything, and he will say purple!
This is funny, because it is Daniel and my favorite color, too!

He knows circles and rectangles, but every letter is Bb

He LOVES the big floor puzzles we got from our neighbor, Sabrina (especially with daddy)

He loves his Rockin' Rider Pony from Patti and Erick

He still loves to read, with a lot of favorites, including Brown Bear, Brown Bear

His favorite TV show is Octonauts ('Och-ka'), but he still asks to watch tv with his old favorite, 'Elmo,' then once the TV is on, he starts asking for Och-ka

He loves his Kindle Fire, even though he doesn't really know how to use it

He HATES the stroller and the car seat

He climbs everything and puts himself into dangerous positions at any moment he is allowed to be alone (so...never...)

He loves to jump, and can land two feet jumps from a foot off the ground, and almost lands it from on top of our bed

He grazes through food, and doesn't want to sit down to eat.  He still weighs about the same as he did at SIX MONTHS OLD.  He's significantly taller, but being that he never sits down, it is hard to pack on the pounds.

He and Zoey have a very special bond.  Like true siblings, they love each other very much, but only when the other one wants to be left alone.

He loves to play chase and hide-and-seek, running after us with stuffed animals, until Zoey steals the animal

I believe we have entered the Terrible Twos- his tantrums are strong, long, and loud

He understands possessions- picking up Dr. Pepper and saying, "daddy water," and picking up water bottles and saying "mommy water," as well as differentiating between our shoes, cars, and anything else he can find

We love you, Potatoes!

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