Thursday, October 12, 2017


We have had so much fun wrapping up summer and beginning the fall, even though the weather has not been feeling very fall-ish this week!

I realized just how far back my photos have to go to catch up on our family fun.
We have been busy, busy!
What a stud


Whenever we let Potatoes go to full energy blast, we tell him to RAGE.  Rock Out in Destin is the perfect place for this!

Potatoes climbed so high at one point, Daniel wasn't able to spot him anymore and told him he needed to come down.  He listened- letting go and free falling!  Total trust that his daddy was there to catch him, which thankfully, he was.

He found the speed bag and did his best to get tall enough to hit it.  
He loves our speed bag at home, too.

We have really enjoyed having this beautiful family next door.  Alexander is constantly asking for "playground girls"

Jennifer and I have been enjoying the Young Philosopher's Society toddler music class.
Alexander especially loves the scarves and the parachute

He rocked out on the drums!

We stay outside as much as the weather will allow

Thinking hard

We had a great time playing with Olivia at ECACs one year in the new building party
She kept him in line- helping him to learn the boundaries of staying on the curb.

He met his first pony at the ECAC One Run
He still talks about horsey with shoes!

He got a chocolate covered doughnut while I did the 5K with Brooke and Ashley

That evening I hung out with these cuties so James and Alyssa could have some time together before James headed to Alabama for a month. Here they are carrying their "lunch boxes."

My princess

He gets so red in the face, sometimes we just need a popsicle to cool off

This week, Daniel met us after work for A Night of Honor to kick off the Honor Games, which The TEAM w/ Paula Sherman is sponsoring.  Alexander loved all the boats at Legendary Marine!

This week,  I got a tough reminder of how important it is to hold close to those you love when one of my ECAC family lost her husband.  Her strength through Christ inspires me.

We love and cherish family time!

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