Thursday, April 5, 2018

Waves with the Wards!

We were so blessed when the Ward family chose to spend their spring break down here with our crazy crew!

Rachel has been one of my very best friends since we met at the University of Georgia.  She stood by my side as I married Daniel, and lovingly accepted that I was unable to stand by her side when she married Tyler (she got married three days before we welcomed Potatoes into the world).  Though we don't get to see each other near as much as we would like, any time together is enjoyed thoroughly!
Rachel came with her whole beautiful family, husband Tyler, sons Cohen and baby Beck, and Cohen brought his friend Jett along, too.  Jett is the son of our other college friend, Genesis.  It was great having them come visit!

Though the weather was a bit cold, still, the boys still had fun by the pool

Baby Beck was not a fan of the cold water!

That baby tush!!

The Ward crew was very patient with my crazy work schedule.  Luckily, their Airbnb was steps away from the beautiful gulf.

Potatoes was happy to join in on the beach fun after school.

Love this girl!

What a beautiful baby!  He is the happiest, easiest going little chunk I've ever met.  On this day, Rachel kept saying he was fussy.  I just kept chuckling to myself...his fussy would have been one of Potatoes's better days!


Being at the beach got Xander very interested in our shell drawer.  He enjoyed counting them and sorting them by size and color.  When he had them all arranged, he asked if we could show them to our neighbor, Ms. Jenifer.  It was so sweet!!

Cohen and Jett were set on playing putt-putt, so on their last evening, we all met up at Adventure Zone.  Potatoes carried his own diapers and wipes in his backback from Jan, and rocked his Curious George jacket from Shorna.

Thanks for visiting!  We love you!

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