Sunday, November 4, 2018

Happy Halloween 2018

With our whole family obsession with dinosaurs, and the only movie we really watch from start to finish and all enjoy being Jurassic World, our Halloween costumes were easy.

Zoey got off the hook from wearing a costume this year!

I tried to find a dinosaur costume, but the options were pitiful.  Luckily, the day before Halloween, Jan and I went to Goodwill and scored big with a perfect Claire ensemble.  I even cut four inches off my hair and blunt cut my bangs, then used a red foam hair dye to fit the part.  Potatoes found it convincing.  He called my Claire and Daniel Daddysaurus the whole time we were trick-or-treating.

He had a great time.  We met up with a few of our neighbors and their kids.  One of our neighbors is a little girl named Addie who was born exactly two days after Alexander.  They had a wonderful time racing to the door to see who would knock first.  Then they would yell "trick or treat!" at the top of their lungs, usually at the closed door.

Potatoes loved trying to guess which houses would open the doors by who had lights on.

The T-Rex costume was too small for Daniel, so his face was well above the little window.  He spent the evening in darkness, but was a trooper, walking the entire neighborhood and helping Potatoes score a bag full of candy.  He has no idea that most kids eat so much candy they get sick.  He has gotten one or two pieces a day and been absolutely thrilled over it.

We might have to be Marvel characters next year....

While we were out, Jan stayed and passed out candy.  All in all it was a fabulous Halloween!
Luckily, Alyssa at As You Like It Aveda Salon was able to fit me in the following evening to repair my self inflicted cut.

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