With baby birthday looming, we have been blessed to have help finish preparing the house and be there in case baby boy #2 makes his arrival....which has yet to happen.
Jan came for a week while my mom wrapped up her summer in Michigan and prepared for her extended stay.
While Jan was here, Daniel got to work on a crazy cool Stegosaurus Bunk Bed for Potatoes. No blueprint; all from his own planning
We got a great package from Grandmomma including pjs for the baby, these Mickey threads that Potatoes couldn't wait to put on, and a blanket crocheted by Daniel's grandmother for him as a baby
When the bed was complete enough for Alexander to spend the night in it, he immediately set to work creating a play space for baby brother.
Bunk bed built....ready for paint!
At my 37 (and a half) week appointment, they realized this baby is transverse. I had never heard of this, but when the doctor says four times, "This is not good," you know something is just not right. Apparently a breech baby causes far less complications than transverse. My boy was sideways, resting up under my ribs, with the entire umbilical cord laying right by his head. Many doctors will consider a transverse baby an automatic c-section, but my doctor, the medical director at the base hospital, was ready to give her best.
The next day, I spent the entire day at the hospital, with Jan by my side keeping things light and making me laugh. Dr Rosa, who would be leading the procedure, explained to me that an epidural would offer my best chance at success, as she and my own doctor said, my strong abs would fight their efforts otherwise (why thank you!). This was my first experience with an epidural, and everything had to be done in the operating room in case of the need for an emergency c-section, so Jan scrubbed up to join me.
My AMAZING nurse, Qianna, brought Jan size small scrubs. Jan was flattered, but a bit snug in the process of getting them on.
They ran out of booties, so she got knee high boots instead. She rocked her HAZMAT-like suit!
Jan really helped keep the smile on my face through the very long day.
The procedure was successful!! The doctors rocked it, and were so excited, they were patting each other on the back and telling me over and over how great this was.
I hated the epidural...just an unpleasant sensation... and am now bound up by a band to try to keep this guy in place. They monitored baby and me for three hours before sending us on our way. Now I just pray he is in position. My belly definitely looks different than before, and I started gaining weight again, which I hadn't put on a pound for six weeks, but sometimes I still feel him under my ribs. Daniel is confident it is just his feet. We will see tomorrow at my appointment!
Friday, my mom and Ryan flew in! Ryan landed three hours before my mom so we headed to Caesar's Palace for the brunch buffet. We had so much fun having a day with everyone in town.
That night we said goodbye to Jan.
She was such a blessing during this difficult week!
This kid loves his people so very much
38 weeks!
Baby hopefully dropped into position! I definitely look bigger than when he was up in my ribs...
Saturday night, we all stepped away from a difficult Georgia game....the Martin crew for a movie in our neighborhood park, and Ryan and my mom to see Rod Stewart on the strip. We all had a blast, and the Martin crew managed to make it home for the last play of the game and to see the Dawgs pull out the victory. That was a tough game to watch!
This kid...
The restaurant where we went to watch the Falcons game was cold and only Daniel had a jacket...
He enjoyed Gammie snuggles, too
We finished the Stegosaurus bed this week, and I cannot begin to describe how cool it is, or how much Alexander loves it. When Daniel asked if he liked the rope lights that run underneath and can change to any color, Alexander said, "Well, really, I love ALL of it."
Complete with tail spikes, a chalkboard and dry erase board, as well as a book shelf, this bed is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I see many memories being made here!
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