Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happy Gotcha Day, Princess Zoey!

We may have a lot going on in our family right now, but September 22 is a monumental day for the Martin crew.

Seven years ago, we woke up at the crack of dawn to make a four hour trip (each way) to meet a puppy named Splash.  Before I was offered the Martin name, this princess was adopted and renamed Zoey Splash Martin.

Our first born, our princess, our baby girl

In honor of her Gotcha Day, we invited her new boyfriend over for a cookout.

Ozzy is a year and a half year old German Sheppard, Husky, Lab mix who lives in our neighborhood with his awesome mama Jessie, and his dad Al, who I have yet to meet, but assume he must be cool based on the rest of his household.

The first time Zoey met Ozzy, he played right into her personality.  He basically allowed her to be the boss.  She has been extra playful since we moved here, so she seems excited to have a friend to run around and even rough house a bit with.

They enjoyed running around the pool and some Frosty Paws ice cream treats!

It was a good crowd and good company.

After Ozzy and Jessie headed home for the evening, Zoey got her big present....the t-bone!

No matter the changes our family is blessed by, this puppy holds our hearts and will always be treated as royalty rather than simply 'the dog.'

Gammie even made Potatoes a shirt to express how we feel about her!

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