Somehow we are already at Nikolai's two month mark!
At two months, he continues to be an overall happy baby.
These two continue to grow in their love for each other!
Nikolai has just recently begun to find interest in toys and so big brother had to join when baby started laughing at his new mobile.
Alexander getting some snuggles with Grandmomma
I cannot get enough of these two together
Much like big brother, this baby likes to be on the go! He loves walks and just recently progressed to outward facing (sometimes).
Potatoes is great at including Nikolai in his play
Grandmomma hanging with Nikolai at the bouncy house
Watching Home Alone
In addition to enjoying hanging toys, this little guy now SMILES and GIGGLES
These are easily making my heart melt
He weighed in at 12.5lbs on an empty stomach, putting him in the 53rd percentile and 24.1 inches, which is the 91st percentile for his age.
He loves tummy time!! He likes to be upright, so I guess he wants to practice his moves so he can be upright independently as soon as possible!
He stands with only assistance for balance, until he gets all wobbly legged and collapses.
He sleeps until midnight and then again until 3 or 4am, but has his witching hour at 4am...wanting to play or cluster feed, or anything other than go back to sleep.
Zoey is protective of him, but Potatoes still holds her heart as her favorite. She will step over Nikolai to get Alexander kisses so we have to check her enthusiasm sometimes.
Photo Drop
Future model? After climbing and jumping and his regular antics, Alexander strikes this pose and asks me to snap pcitures
Cheering on the Dawgs against A&M
Sleepy after vaccines, but he handled it like a champ!!!
My three boys