Sunday, November 3, 2019

A MARVEL-ous Halloween

From wanting to be a cat, to a spider, Alexander finally decided to go with our regular play characters- heroes!

Because the mask was not going to stay on, Daniel rocked the Hulk makeover while allowing our little dude to be comfortable

He looked legit!

Captain Marvel and Baby Groot

Our Baby Groot loved his fluffy costume so much, he cried every time I tried to dress him in anything else.  We decided we needed to go back and buy a second.  I joke that I'll be delivering him to kindergarten in a fluffy bear suit!

So comfy


In additional Halloween fun, Bryan, Daniel and I ventured out to a zombie infested city to attack and kill zombies for the safety of Las Vegas.
Zombie Apocalypse is a Veteran owned and operated business, where our zombie fighting team was led by a former Marine Spec Ops operative.
We had so much fun! 


Our zombie adventure marked the first time I left Nikolai, and the first time Gammie hung out solo with both grandsons.
 They had a blast!

 Fall means pumpkins and pumpkins mean pumpkin pie!  Gammie is known for making from scratch pumpkin pie, and with Alexander's love of baking, this felt like a must have tradition!

Alexander insisted baby brother participate, too

Pumpkin carving, of course!

School party

We love both of his teachers so much

Alexander had been a bit off all week, throwing fits and crying at a capacity that is not normal.  I told his teachers that this typically meant a fever was coming.  Well, after one block of trick or treating, he was shivering uncontrollably and asking to get home.  Within an hour, he had a fever and that night, his cough sounded like a barking seal.  He has a very mild case of croup, and the hardest part is not being able to snuggle his brother.  Luckily, the doctor said babies nor adults typically get croup.  Just nearly four year old boys, I guess!

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