Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Happy Half Birthday, Sweet Nikolai!

Somehow, despite time so graciously moving a bit slower these days, our sweet baby made it to his half birthday!

I tried to get a shot of him in his sloth jumper with his snuggly sloth, but this little guy is just too wiggly!

The day before he turned six months, Nikolai sat up on his own!

He is all about his food and feeding himself.  This spoon with a stopper was a must so he didn't choke himself.

My littles

Such a big boy

Still loves the carrier...anything to be on the go!

We had his well visit over the phone.  The doctor urged us to continue introducing new foods and otherwise all seems good.  We will wait for the next round of vaccines until after things with COVID-19 calm down.

According to our home scale, he weighs in at 16.9lbs now, or 38th percentile
I measured him at 28 inches, or 95th percentile for height
He continues to lengthen how long he can sit up independently
He really wants to crawl, and stand, and walk!  He is on the go!
A couple weeks ago, he was in my lap on the couch and Alexander was sitting near us.  He launched himself out of my lap and scooted across the couch into Alexander's lap!  Alexander scooped him up, saying, "Awww, come here, little Niko!"  He is such a good big brother.
He loves to strum his fingers constantly.  Future piano player?
He likes to have his face against a blanket to fall asleep.  I have one pulled across his bed tucked tight as a sheet so that when he rolls himself onto his belly, he can feel the softness against his cheek.
He is better at rolling back to front than front to back.  He often gets stuck on his belly and frustrated.
He sleeps much like Alexander did at this age....he has some nights that aren't too bad, but usually he is up every two to three hours, and some nights he is up every 30 to 45 minutes....
He is cutting his first tooth!  The front left tooth is coming in.
After taking a break from solid foods, we are back and his stomach is handling it much better now.
He LOVES food.  So far, we have introduced
Avocado-he eats nearly one a day
Egg yolk- he eats one every day
Grapes in a teether
Oranges in a teether
Sweet Potatoes
Powdered peanut butter is his favorite.  When I introduced it yesterday, he grabbed the cup out of my hand and drank it down!
He sometimes seems to recognize his name, and loves to talk...often screeching at the top of his lungs.
Alexander is still his focus of attention.  He watches everything his brother does, smiling his huge delightful smile and laughing at all of his brother's antics!

1 comment:

  1. So good to catch up to you! Can't believe he's six months already! Love you
