Saturday, July 25, 2020

Nikolai Turns Ten Months

Somehow, our baby is only two months from his first birthday

This wiggle worm is not an easy subject for a nice picture!

But this boy sleeps!!  Finally!

Into everything and always happiest outside and on the go

We can handle the heat!

Clearly function does not equate to fun

Niko is sleeping!  Sometimes he wakes at midnight to eat, but most night's he sleeps from between 7:30 or 8 in the evening until 4 or 5 in the morning.  Sometimes I can feed him and get him back down until 6 or so.
He usually takes 2 naps, at 9am and 2pm, each for about two hours.  If he is up for the day at 4 or 5am, he will add a cat nap either after breakfast or before dinner.

He already eats more than, 4 year old Alexander! Watermelon seems to be his favorite, rind and all, but like his brother, he loves a variety of food- from all food groups!

Old MacDonald is still his favorite, but he will listen to a variety of songs now, and Ready, Steady, Wiggles is his favorite show

His favorite activities are:
walks- especially in the red plastic car, stairs, electrical outlets (a constant battle), working on walking, and anything involving his brother, including wrestling, being thrown into pillows by daddy, blocks, chewing crayons.  He seems to want to swim....launching himself into the water, and he has kicking and paddling down.  I was only brave enough to let him try once.  He isn't physically ready but he is mentally ready!

We are so blessed by our crazy active boys and the fact that their princess puppy sister adores them as much as we do!

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