Monday, July 26, 2021

Quarantine 2021 - Martin Style

After multiple kids in Alexander's summer camp group tested positive for COVID, we had to self-isolate last week

I kept Niko home too, since we have the flexibility to do so, and if he was to catch it, I am sure some of his classmates would have a harder time making arrangements to stay home.  Luckily we had activity ideas from the Mother's Day gift Alexander made for me - a bucket of activities he likes to do with me!

The week was exhausting, but one I will never forget.  These boys are my heart and soul!

We stayed busy with art, reading, cooking, and so much swimming!

Pizza Rolls!

Nailed It! Banana Sushi

The boys didn't seem to mind the messy results

Backyard Picnic

Followed by some classic box play

Making our own play doh was so much fun when Gammie was here,
we did it again last week....three times!!


Bouncing Outdoors and Inside!

Evening walks

I am constantly amazed by how well these boys get along and how much they like each other.  After a week of it just being us, they are still best friends!

I may have lost it a few times and just wanted a moment of silence amongst the mayhem, we all really enjoyed our family time.  Out of all of us, though, there was one Martin Crew member who was clearly the happiest with the quarantine!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Gammie, aka GiGi or MehMee


We had so much fun with Gammie last week!!

My mom and I got our butts kicked at the gym nearly every day she was here, we took walks every morning, and Alexander taught Gammie how to play Pokemon.  We stayed so busy, I forgot to take pictures for much of the trip.  The memories are solidified in my heart, though!

We made homemade play doh together

It was a huge success and we have played with our creation every day since

As the Grand Finale (should I say Gam Finale?!), Gammie took Alexander and me to Cirque du Soleil

Mystere was an incredible show.  Alexander was ready to stay to see it all over again and keeps asking when we can go back!

It was a joyful visit, but mixed with sad goodbyes as well.  While Gammie was here, we had to say goodbye to the Eveland family.  They have become such an integral part of our lives, it is a huge adjustment to have them no longer in our neighborhood.  Luckily, MIL families are good at goodbyes, and at staying in touch!  We know we have lifelong friends in these ladies!

Gammie stayed home with Zoey because of thunder, letting our crew and the Eveland ladies enjoy a night of fun at Chuck E Cheese

Major Milestone!
Both our boys are moving up in the scooter world.  Niko has tackled the three wheeled scooter and Alexander has tackled the two wheel!

Niko has also been talking up a storm, adding new words pretty much every day.  His names for Gammie were Mehmee and GiGi.  We are loving his developing language and play skills!
These boys sure love their Gammie!

I already miss my mama, but am making the most of my last few days before going back to work full time.  Last night we went to see Nate Bargatze, and laughed our tails off!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fourth of July 2021

Have I mentioned that I love our neighborhood? 

A few of our neighbors decided to make the holiday a neighborhood bash and we had so much fun

Zoey was pretty stressed, but preferred being with us than being at home.  Luckily, the whole group helped me make sure Zoey, Niko, and Alexander all had someone looking after each of them at all times. 

Niko is going to be lost with his besties Claire and Emma.  We are all going to miss them so much when they move.

I didn't get much time with my bestie.  Her artistic talents were a hit with face painting!


I decided to get mine done so I could snatch some Aly time

Boy band of the future.  Look out world!

Oh man I'm gonna miss Lisa when her family moves!

Daniel volunteered at an event so he missed the festivities. We sure missed him but are so blessed by the community we live in.