Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fourth of July 2021

Have I mentioned that I love our neighborhood? 

A few of our neighbors decided to make the holiday a neighborhood bash and we had so much fun

Zoey was pretty stressed, but preferred being with us than being at home.  Luckily, the whole group helped me make sure Zoey, Niko, and Alexander all had someone looking after each of them at all times. 

Niko is going to be lost with his besties Claire and Emma.  We are all going to miss them so much when they move.

I didn't get much time with my bestie.  Her artistic talents were a hit with face painting!


I decided to get mine done so I could snatch some Aly time

Boy band of the future.  Look out world!

Oh man I'm gonna miss Lisa when her family moves!

Daniel volunteered at an event so he missed the festivities. We sure missed him but are so blessed by the community we live in.

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