Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Perfect Timing

 With Niko's class being shutdown due to an active COVID case, and then Niko getting very sick himself (not COVID), we were so blessed that Gammie was already scheduled to fly in for Niko's birthday!

Both boys had so much fun with extra Gammie time

Gammie got to be a special guest in Alexander's class for storytelling while I took the day off with Niko.  His teacher said Gammie is just like her late grandmother and wishes my mom could tell stories every day.  Be careful what you wish for! Gammie might make herself a permanent fixture!

He was looking so handsome i made him pause for some pictures. 

Our neighborhood 'parkies'

Niko wasn't feeling the best and found sleep any way he could

Gammie kept Alexander home one day and took the boys out on their bikes

His birthday helmet was a huge hit! Blippi colors made it even more special.

Even when I got home from work, Niko opted for Gammie snuggles.  They have a real bind.

Gammie kept Niko busy and happy for a whole week of quarantine.

Thank you, Gammie, for being there for us!!

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