Sunday, September 26, 2021

Monkey See, Monkey Do: Our Little Monkey Just Turned TWO!

 Thankfully, Niko got over his nasty head cold just in time to celebrate his birthday!

With Niko copying everything big brother does, the theme for his second birthday wrote itself

The day was gorgeous for a backyard party!

I didn't snap a ton of pictures because we had Madison over for that job.  I can't wait to see the pictures she captured!

Our tradition continues with Alexander and my baking fun birthday treats.  This year Niko had a hand in helping us.  While our cupcakes were cute, the star of the party food were the cookies we got from The Redheads Bakery!  My dear friend, Ashley, went beyond my expectations with her Monkey See Monkey Do cookies.

Niko is fast on his scooter!  He flies down hills and knows how to fall back on his bottom even if he doesn't know how to break just yet.  He is great at pushing off with his right foot.

His language is soaring.  He has just recently started to string two and three words together and has new words every day.

He loves to count and tries to hold up his fingers to show the numbers.

He knows a lot of his colors, and always gets yellow, blue, and green right.  He seems to like blue the most.

He has a serious obsession with Blippi and will not watch anything else for more than a few short minutes....I am trying to steer him towards Blues Clues for obvious similarities but a bit more plot, but he is not fooled!

His brother is his best friend.  He follows Alexander in every action, word, and gesture.  His brother is kind, giving, and patient with him.  We are so blessed by their relationship.

His heart is BIG.  He loves his family and his friends, and while he is still a mama's boy, he has many people who help to fill his life!

He still loves farm animals!  He knows so many animals and their sounds.  We look for turtles and owl statues around the neighborhood every morning on our walk, and learn about Google's Animal of the Day every evening as part of bedtime.

He enjoys praying and adds people to our prayers every night.  His 'Amen' sounds an awful lot like ABC, which he also really enjoys saying with me!

I am trying so hard to hold onto every moment!

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