Saturday, June 25, 2022

Viva Las Vegas, Countdown is On

 Our days in Las Vegas are numbered, so we are filling them with sweet memories to take with us forever

Vegas summers require water! Splash pads, swimming pools, and waterparks make for memories we can smile about

Splash pad with Bronx from Alexander's kinder class

Our first real goodbyes were to Bryan, Anne, and Zachary who already made it to their new home

We have lived near Bryan for nearly a decade. This was definitely Daniel's hardest goodbye. We will have to coordinate visits to Atlanta so we can all get together sooner rather than later!

Some teachers hold a special place in a student's heart. Ms. Melissa and Alexander always shared that special bond. We were so lucky to get to see her again amidst her wedding planning!

We will take every moment we can get with out besties. This is just the beginning of our final hangouts before the move!

One of my very first Vegas friends, and one of my dearest friends, period. If I ever need a true, point-blank opinion, Jennifer is my girl!

And we know how to have fun, too!

Had to hit up hibachi before these guys hit the road!

Not goodbye.  See you soon.
Love you guys!

Backyard fun with our neighbors!
Miles taught Alexander how to juggle two beanbags

Aiden came by for a few rounds of Pokemon

Zingo and a swim with the Flater fam!

We have really relied on this family throughout our time in Vgeas. We feel so blessed to call you guys friends!

We drove to Mt Charleston to hangout with another of my first Vegas friends who left our neighborhood for the simpler life 

Can't say I blame you!

We had so much fun, both boys cried when we left

It was good for my soul to hug up on Jessie

The kiddos got along so well

From quiet mountain hikes to busy waterparks, we are trying to make the most of our final days in Vegas. Of course it's the people that mean the most to see. We have made truly amazing relationships here.

We were so happy to get to see Genesis and her brother Zeke before our move!

We have more fun planned for the next week, but I wanted to celebrate the fun times we have had this past week with some of the people that mean the most to us out here.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Bearizona and the Grand Canyon

 What do you do when your friends invite you to Bearizona and the Grand Canyon?

Pack up and hit the road!

Emerald and Grant invited us to join their family on a camping trip to Williams,, Arizona. It was on my bucket list to see the Grand Canyon while we lived in Las Vegas, and I was worried we weren't going to make it.  This was the perfect opportunity for us to explore one of the wonders of the world!

The boys were amazing on the three and a half hour car ride. They got along, they played car games, no technology, good music, lots of fun. I was excited that this was going to set the tone for the weekend.
I was joking myself.

I won't give the social media version of this trip.  Both boys drove me nuts.  They were bickering, overly sensitive, bouncy and loud at every restaurant, and just a little out of sorts in general. Grant and Emerald were so patient with all three of us, and never bemoaned including us on their least to our faces!

Despite some attitude setbacks, we made some memories that we will hold onto forever. We knew the Grubb family were friends for life, and memories like this will definitely help bond us forever.

Williams was such a cute little town. Part of Route 66 and filled with old timey diners and shops, it felt like a real-world Radiator Springs. When we arrived, they were hosting a classic car show and the first car we saw was half Lightening McQueen, half Mater!

The boys loved walking through and looking at the different cars.

After a big diner lunch with giant slices of pie and then a quick camp set up, we set off to explore Bearizona!
Most of the animal habitats were along a drive-through safari, and then after there was a walk around portion as well. I loved this adventure so much.

Nikolai has not stopped talking about it! He woke up this morning, three days later, saying, "I saw something else!" And listing all the things he saw in Bearizona. I think the pictures speak for themselves so I'll let them tell the story!

As a kid, I was obsessed with bears. This was definitely a dream tour for me!

What a group!

Leaving the car for a walk around

Did I mention my love of bears?

This guy helped Niko conquer his fear of the Wonky Donkey

Niko keeps saying this goat was his age. They were the best of friends!

While watching them get fed, Alexander asked if the jaguars were strong enough to break the glass. Right after the jaguars finished eating, the spotted one ran at the glass, jumped on it and opened its mouth, biting right at Alexander's head! It then walked over to Niko and bit at his face, too! Thank goodness the handlers were right that they are not strong enough to break the glass!

I said something along the lines of how playful they were, but the handler corrected me by saying that in the wild, jaguars hunt prey between thirty and sixty pounds, so children actually look quite appetizing. Whelp....Ok!

Litter mates. Black panthers are in fact simply panthers with melanism

The next day we headed to the train depot for a railway ride to the Grand Canyon

Niko loved the train

Alexander was trying to spot the prairie dogs out the window. He finally saw them on our ride home.

We were entertained with music, jokes, and even a robbery while on the train!

The Grand Canyon was breathtaking. Grant helped a lot with keeping the big guys in line. I kept Niko on a leash, literally, and only had to snatch Alexander back from the ledge once.

Leashed up boys

The mules were a highlight. Niko loves talking about how they pooped right on the trail. We did not step in it!  He would like everyone to know this fact.

Just to send Daniel a nerve-wracking photo. He had to work over the weekend so did not get to join us.

We rode the train back to town

Not a fan of the robbers

This was Alexander and Nikolai's first experience camping in a tent. The campground was fun! We swam both nights and Niko practiced going under water.

The odd dirt pit/fighting ring made for a messy good time

Tent snuggles!

Before loading the car, we panned for gems

This was an incredible trip, despite bickering and short-tempers. The good times will be what I hold onto. We are so blessed by our Vegas friendships and look forward to the next few weeks of making more memories!