Friday, July 22, 2022

Parkies Fourth of July

 We stayed to celebrate the big Parkies Fourth of July bash before hitting the road for our cross country move the next day. 

It didn't disappoint! Grant planned an extravagant Battle Royale that Daniel helped execute to the extreme level. 

Jan would like it known that she worked hard at keeping the moat slippery and she blasted any child that thought they could avoid said moat!

Please notice Daniel in this picture!

The kids (myself included) had obstacles to run through and water balloons and paint balls to dodge in our attempts to capture all blue flags before the grand golden flag could be captured. It was one of my top funnest days ever.

I'll forever be a Parkie. These guys are my heart and my forever neighbors.

No messing around

I'm glad I got to say my goodbyes at an event like this.  There was so much joy and friendship, there wasn't time for tears. I have cried since, but this day was saved for Parkies Playtime

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