Monday, August 7, 2023

Summer Send Off

We have packed in fun adventures to our last few weeks of summer!

A hot weekend meant beach time with Daddy in Virginia

Yard games for the win

Cannot wait for this guy to be HOME.  It has been far too long for all of us.

The boys soaked up every moment with Daddy

Friends, water, treetop sip lining.  This is what summer is made of!

Gammie took the boys back to Atlanta for a few days before preplanning started, and we all made the most of it.

Wrapping presents for Daisy

My first ever blind date - Making a new friend over brunch.  Cici is friends with my Vegas girl, Emerald.  We had a blast getting to know each other.

Not too shabby having to leave summer break to teach the most fun class in school, and work alongside amazing people!

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