Monday, January 25, 2016

Keeping Busy- Baby on the Go!

Xander loves to be on the go so Operation Busy Baby 
has been underway on any day that the weather permits!
Over MLK weekend we went to visit Heather and Becky.  Becky is recovering from surgery and hadn't gotten to meet little man yet.  They were so sweet to share the brownies Leaha had made for them and to let me be when I passed out on their couch.  I've learned to grab those zzz's whenever and wherever I can!

Zoey came to Heather and Becky's too and even posed when I pulled out the camera

We enjoyed a yummy seafood lunch at the Shrimp Basket since Daniel had off for the MLK holiday

Daddy's day off

Zoey loved the sunshine and a bite of the hushpuppies

On Tuesday, Xander and I made it to prayer group at ECAC.  I was excited to get us both fed, dressed, and out the door to make it to our 8am group with a few minutes to spare!  It was wonderful to see everyone.  I was so happy to be among my wonderful coworkers, we stayed for two hours and went through every diaper in the diaper bag!
I wanted a picture with our prayer group, but as we were wrapping up, little man required some clean up so I had to step away.  We have such a strong group of prayer warriors!

Staci and Brooke got snuggles on our trip to ECAC

Later in the week Aabett joined the Martin crew as we loaded up and headed to Pensacola for my quarterly trip to The Butcher Shoppe.  It is worth the three hour round trip for me to get the freshest meat which comes from local farms and happy, free range, antibiotic/ hormone free animals at super reasonable prices.  Not to mention the owner, Kevin is the nicest business man I've ever met.  He is quick to provide whatever he can and accommodates his customers to the best of his ability.  Did I mention how reasonable his prices are?  This place is amazing!  I've been shopping with them since we lived in Pensacola.

Zoey came along for the ride (and a few treats along the way)

We bundled Xander up because it was cold!

Xander's first trip to The Butcher Shoppe

Xander got to meet my favorite Butcher, Kevin

On our way home, we stopped by Oh Snap! cupcakes for a sweet treat.  We pulled off at a little park and ate the yummies while trying to stay warm.

Aabett got a red velvet and I got an Andes mint...  the salted caramel is my favorite still, I think

This little man loves the ceiling fan!  He loves daddy's seat because it has the best view. The fan doesn't even have to be on!  The other night, Xander stayed up all night babbling at the fan and wouldn't even eat because he kept losing his latch to turn and look at the fan.  Who needs a mobile when you have a fan?!

Cute Pics from the Week
Whoa, dad, do you see that?!

Our little raccoon

Teddy Jams

I'm the little brother

Whatcha doin' with my brother?


I don't wanna get a job!!!

Cheeks you just wanna squeeze

Happy baby video

Morning Snuggles

We are officially in 3 month clothes and weighing in at over 10 lbs.  He isn't sleeping quite as well as he was a couple weeks ago, but I think he may be going through a growth spurt.  He is overall a happy baby, but has a period each day, usually for about two hours, where he is simply not happy and needs something about every five minutes to keep him calm.  He still enjoys tummy time and absolutely loves the Ergo baby carrier, walks, and car rides.  I had my six week check up today and got the all clear to return to regular exercise!

We're off to our Ladies Bible Study tonight!

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