Family basketball
On Thursday, Alexander and I went and watched Daniel play basketball. He's on a team at work that plays games during lunch twice a week. They didn't win their first game, but they won while we were watching! Daniel scored at least 20 points and had multiple assists and rebounds in yesterday's game!
Little man slept through the game, so we'll have to go again soon!
Great D (Defense & Daniel!)
We spent the entire day out and about on Thursday, running errands and having fun. I even got a workout in while Zoey watched squirrels at Ferry Park. Thursday evening, Alexander and I headed back to base for a Ladies Craft Night with the spouse's group. On the agenda? Wood burning! It took a lot of patience, but was such a good time.
Meriel (on the left) is a pro at all things crafty! She is the lead of our craft nights along with Patti. They are amazing at planning fun events! Megan (on the right) made the coolest cutting board of her own design. It was a design with dots, and looked completely professional.
Elena and I did our best and had a blast, but admittedly we are not the craftiest crafters!
Still, we both managed to create products we are proud of.
I made a spoon and a cutting board using a dandelion stamp
Favorite pic of the week:
Victory! I got a quiet night when Xander allowed me to swaddle him.
Didn't work the next night, but oh well! One night was a gift.
Xander is smiling and cooing and it absolutely melts my heart. Motherhood becomes more and more fun as he begins to develop his personality. A majority of his smiles and coos are reserved for his favorite thing in the world: the ceiling fan. Still, Daniel and I have been graced with smiles which just melts the heart.
He is much easier to calm when he gets upset. I think this is partially because I have created The Rapid Response Team, knowing that it just isn't a good plan to finish up one or two things when the fussing starts, but also he seems to not get quite as escalated and to deescalate more quickly. I am so glad to have a few more weeks before going back to work so I can enjoy this happier little boy!
Alexander is growing. He will be a big boy before you know it. Go Danny on your Basketball team!