Friday, April 8, 2016

Gammie and Ganny Pay a Visit

'Tis the season for spring break!
As much of Atlanta is on spring break, my mom and aunt Jan had time to come down.  Well, let's be honest, being retired, Jan has a lot more time than she did as a teacher, but I guess spring break mindset sticks with you!
The sisters loaded up Jan's camper and headed down to Emerald Coast and brought the beautiful weather with them.

Enjoying Gammie's silly voices in the camper

Ready for the Sunshine

Being at the campsite is a great way to forget a mile long to do list!
Gammie loves her boy

We had a big night in the Martin house... Daniel ate salad and Alexander had a bottle of formula

I have struggled to keep this growing boy fed, as he's been eating every hour and a half throughout the night for nearly three weeks.  Needless to say, I have been exhausted.  Though the formula didn't increase the sleep very much, it seemed to relax me enough that I have dramatically increased my ability to provide for him and therefore haven't had to continue with formula at the moment.  Hopefully this growth spurt won't last too much longer, as I go back to working four days a week next week!

Safe to say it's a growth spurt keeping us up at night.  
Our big boy gained 1.6 lbs since last week!

I ended my work week with an ice cream social for our spouses group.  My mom, Jan, and my 
co-host, Karlee, made it possible for me to zombie walk through the social on no sleep

Laura is awesome with babies, soothing little man at his fussiest while keeping her smile!

Meeting Minutes

Good times!

We've had a lot of visitors lately.  It might actually be strange to have the house to ourselves next week.  It's been a great visit with Gammie and Ganny and I hope they bring the camper down again soon!

Cute Picture Call!

Life is rough

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