Monday, August 15, 2016

Welcome to Colorado

On Saturday we embarked on Xander's first plane ride.

Big boy on the plane
(He did not have his own seat)

He had a few moments of fussing,  but considering we didn't land in Colorado Springs until two hours after bedtime, I consider it a huge success. 

This is a huge trip for us as it is Xander's first time getting to meet GrandCracker!

He gave GrandCracker a huge hug and brought tears to all of our eyes

Xander was so taken with GrandCracker. He knew right away that this was his roots

We have been enjoying breathtaking views and unbelievable weather since we got here.

We enjoyed a beautiful tour of Cave of the Winds

Xander loved looking at EVERYTHING as he walked through town with GrandCracker

Alexander loved getting to see Grandmomma again, too!

He got   He's experience chickens for the first time.

As with most animals, the chickens really caught his interest. 

We are having a truly wonderful trip and are soaking up every minute. 

This race car will be Xander's one day! He's going to love it.

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