Being that our little man responds to 'Potatoes' as much as he does Xander or Alexander, determining his Halloween costume was easy!
Using panty hose, socks, and a real potato sack, he became: Potatoes!
Completing his farm family is his beautiful boarder collie and the Potato harvestors.

On Saturday, we enjoyed a Fall Festival at Uptown Station with Leaha and Jesse, before putting Potatoes to bed. Then Daniel stayed back with the crew and I returned to Uptown Station for an outdoor showing of Hocus Pocus.

Daddy harvesting the Potatoes

He did enjoy exploring the carved pumpkin, though.

As a duo, Daniel and I created a pretty cool owl pumpkin.
I think he liked his Potatoes!
Potatoes absolutely refuses to wear any type of hat. I have begun using my ABA knowledge to do systematic desensitization to increase his comfort with this. Basically, he only gets yogurt bites (his favorite food item) while working on wearing a hat. Though he hasn't grasped the concept 100%, and is still resisting the hat, Zoey absolutely gets it, and will gladly let me put the hat on her while eating a yogurt bite, an then tilting it off when she finishes the treat. Such a smart girl!
Potatoes is beginning to use sign language! He uses the signs for drink and more interchangeably for pretty much anything food related, but he definitely has begun to use his hands to ask for things!
Fantastic costume!!!!!