Our house is a lot more active now!
Xander is a fast crawler and climbing on everything as well as walking while holding onto anything at standing height.
He's got four teeth and is a hair puller. He gets in trouble at school sometimes for this. Luckily, his teachers are handling this in an ABA friendly way, so I didn't have to go all behavioral on them. But really, I had to make sure they weren't increasing this behavior!
Here's some photos from our latest family fun
My work family had to say goodbye to Heather this week. She is the person that told me about ECAC and who taught me a lot of what I know about behavioral therapy. She is also a personal friend. We will miss you, Heather!
Fun at Oktoberfest
Trying to get a teeth shot
We love sitting by the pool, especially with the weather cooling off
Daddy's night- dinner time
This is what happens when he is given free access
Zoey's adoption day- Four years with our princess!
Celebrating adoption day
We let Potatoes pick his sister a toy. Of course he chose what he likes- a toothbrush- and then stole it for himself.
This looks like a meme to me... great picture!
Hands free!
Daniel taught him to roll the ball back and forth in a matter of about 30 seconds
Drive home from school- every day! The nap continues for at least 20 minutes once we're home also.
Exploring mom's donate pile
Also exploring mom's donate pile
Cuteness pictures from his night with LO (aka our night out!)
I do not get these sweet snuggles. Jealous!
Thank you, Lo for this gem
Happy adoption birthday, Zoey!!!!!