Saturday, December 16, 2017

Welcome to Atlanta!

We have had so much fun during our time in Atlanta!
I usually only come for a long weekend, but have been blessed with TEN DAYS at home.  It has been great getting to see most of my favorites more than once.

 Xander got to see his first snow!!

He loved building the snowman and is still talking about it, building snowmen with his birthday play doh from Erin and Joey.  He also loved sprinkling a "snow Zoey."

Papa took us to a horse farm where we got to see a ton of horses AND a HUGE mule named Butch.

We sat in for a bit of How the Grinch Stole Christmas for Xander's first movie theater experience, but the live action version was a bit overwhelming.  We settled for a mini cupcake, hot chocolate and meeting a special someone.

As expected, Xander was more into the reindeer than the guy in red

Petty and I took advantage of gift cards to the Aquarium that my dad and Jay gave me years ago!
Everyone there loved Alexander's whale hat from Gammie.  He fit right in!

Xander and Zoey have struggled a bit with being in a new environment, but Gammie has helped with her constant fun and attention.  Xander is also slightly obsessed with my mom's dog, Tanner, who has been fairly tolerant of his toddler antics.

Papa and Grandma Jay's cat, Tabitha is also tolerating the extra attention

On Monday night, we got together with my cousin, Erin.  Xander was a bit slow to warm up to her, but soon was running through the sushi restaurant into her arms!  He recognized her immediately when he saw her again after his birthday party.

It's a blessing that one of my best friends, Shorna, nannies for another of my best friends, Weston, so I got combined time with both of them (plus Aunt Jan) and Weston's beautiful kids, with a quick visit from her husband Bruce, too!

For the first time in four years, all the Watkins cousins of 1983 got together!
For once, Zoey was out photographed.  Theo is quite the Regal Beagle!

Xander loves jousting at the trampoline park so much, he directed Papa in making a jousting beam from puppy agility boards

 We joined Papa on his trip to the goat farm to get manure for his garden

We spent one night away from Zoey at Papa and Grandma Jay's house.  The stress was a bit too much for her...  separation anxiety is a real thing

So much has happened in our trip and we have loved nearly every moment (aside from a few tddler tantrums and sleepless hours).  Today was Xander's second birthday party, but that deserves a post of its own!

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