Monday, February 26, 2018

Photo Drop

We are in the final countdown for Daniel's homecoming!!!

I am working my tail off, 
ehem....Jan is working her tail off....
to get the house in tiptop shape for his return.  I help when I have a free moment...

Potatoes has gone through not one, not two, but THREE growth spurts since Daniel left.  I cannot wait for him to see how big this boy is, and how much he talks!

Here are a few of our latest pictures so Daniel is not totally surprised!

From newest to oldest...
He is now truly a Potato Head

Raspberry fingers while singing, "mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?"  When he gets to the daddy, he uses the funniest deep voice!

Why does he look so big?!?!

Silly string!
There are NO RULES

Two peas in a pod

Snuggle time

This kid parties even in his sleep

We had a crazy storm one Sunday, and everyone in our house was getting cabin fever.  We threw on our rain coats and boots and went to Ferry Park to play in what daddy calls, "doodoo water."  Soon, he began calling his footwear, "doodoo boots."  Classy, I know!

He loved it

Jan and I were the most coordinated.  Both Zoey and Xander took faceplants into the "doodoo water."  They both got baths when we got home!

My dad came for a quick last minute visit

He showed Xander some balancing techniques that were a huge hit

This face!
He was asking me to get off the phone and play soccer with him.  I listened as soon as I could snap the picture (I was talking to Daniel...).  Purely pitiful.

Sunday snuggles

We had a fun day trip to the Gulfarium with our friend, Lucy
These two!

Potatoes's first basketball game

 He asked for me to put the leash on I obliged

We cannot WAIT for Daniel to join our shenanigans!

I am in complete denial that this will also mean saying goodbye to Jan.  We have had a truly amazing time over the past few months.
Puppy pictures asked for by her daddy

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