Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nikolai is Three Months Old for Christmas!

On Christmas Eve, this amazing guy turned three months old
This little pj set was mine on my first Christmas.  Alexander wore it for his first Christmas, and now Nikolai is wearing it!  Being three months old instead of days old, and being extra long, it didn't fit him quite as well as it did Xander and me, but he is still pretty darn cute.

Looking like a little boy already

Caesar's Palace for Christmas Eve

What a clown

A Bumble in his "sock"

Our traditional Christmas cinnamon rolls

Zoey was worn out quick from all the activity

So was Nikolai!

 We spent the whole day in our pajamas, playing with our new toys and enjoying family time

First car trip!  He did fabulous on both legs, having only a quick meltdown at hour 5 in each direction.  A little break from the car seat and a change of clothes and he was happy and smiling for the rest of the trip.

He loves to giggle and chat.  His favorite things are his duck rattle and the fan, which daddy made extra special by hanging the duck FROM the fan.  Mind blown!  When we got back from Tucson, he saw the duck was still there and had the biggest fit of giggles.  Heart melted!  His sounds are really starting to develop.  Alexander asked him if he wanted something, and we all heard him say,
"I dooooo!"

His hips have self corrected!  He no longer shows any signs of hip dysplasia from being breach.

He is very tall, needing 3-6 month clothes for his height, even though they are a bit baggy in girth.

He still wakes up around midnight and 3am, and then wants to be up for the day between 4 and 5am.  Luckily he really likes toys, so often I can catch a few more minutes by turning on his mobile.

His feet are crazy sweaty.  A couple of times I have wondered if his diaper leaked to his feet....then I realized this little guy just sweats through them!

We are in the third leap and it has been rough.  The first two leaps were easy,m with minimal sleep disruptions or mood changes, but showing all the developmental breakthroughs as expected.  This third leap has left us grumpy and sleepless.  Here's to the other side!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Terrific Time in Tucson

Merry Christmas to All!

While we enjoy exploring new gifts, eating too much, and watching Christmas classics, we are still talking about how fabulous our Christmas kickoff was with a trip to Tucson.

We made so many memories with Grandpa and Grandmomma this week

They live adjacent to a national park, so we had lots of beautiful walks

Alexander received a Scott Fargus hat from Grandpa, and immediately began acting like the classic Christmas bully....  T-R-O-U-B-L-E!  Luckily Grandpa had a great sense of humor about it.

We headed out to Rooster's farm to feed animals and had countless belly laughs and a few ostrich bites.  We even met Rooster himself!

Daniel's reaction to the goats in the wall was hysterical.  He laughed bigger than his normally stoic self allows.  He even went for a little goat smooch!

Grandpa leaning in for a goat kiss

These ostriches were able to draw blood!

Our big guy was up for the challenge, though!

Granpda held Nikolai so Alexander and I could go in and feed the birds

This shot makes them look so friendly!  But they got pretty competitive and feisty.

We spent so much time outdoors enjoying the gorgeous weather and scenery

Alexander wanted a turn in the Ergo

Getting mesquite wood ready for the grill

These two...
Snuggled up enjoying cartoon classics like Pink Panther and Road Runner

Nikolai giggled endlessly with Grandpa

We enjoyed Old Tucson, the setting of over 400 movies and TV shows including John Wayne films and Little House on the Prairie.  Grandpa took a turn wearing baby so I could enjoy the stunt show complete with a Wild West shootout

Such great bonding happened.  It was really a wonderful trip.

Riding the train through Old Tucson

Even though he didn't quite weigh enough per the sign, the guy running the zipline at Old Tucson said he thought Alexander was brave enough, and he had a harness that was the right size.  Alexander showed no fear and focused his attention on shooting the laser gun at the targets as he raced down the track.  He did so well, the guy gave him a second trip free, and Alexander beat his former shot score by 30 points!

A little fun in Old Tucson!

We went to a traditional Mexican restaurant and Grandpa got our waiter to sing to our table (he only sang two songs the whole time we were there).  Alexander requested Feliz Navidad and had the whole place jamming!  In true Potatoes fashion, he also shmoozed with everyone at the bar, getting the pretty bartenders to come to our table and having one of the guys offer to buy him a beer because he was so smooth.

Grandpa and Grandmomma just got a puppy, Joey, who fell in love with both Zoey and Xander.  At first both were overwhelmed.  Eventually Alexander matched Joey's energy, even wearing the puppy out to where he hid under the bed from his new best friend.  Zoey, on the other hand, never quite got playful with the puppy, but she did protect him from a German Sheppard that dared walk too close, so I think she accepted him as her pesky little pack mate!

Hunting turquoise

Smashing the big rocks to find the vein of turquoise inside

Not a successful operation without a little bloodshed

Absolutely beautiful

The men in the Man Cave

Ready for Christmas dinner

A feast!

Watch out for Grandpa with the pop gun from Old Tucson

Looking sharp for Christmas dinner

We had an amazing Christmas with Grandpa and Grandmomma.  They truly spoiled each of us with presents and experiences.  We are excited to live within driving distance so we can make more trips in the future.

A gift for Grandmomma from fun times we had in Vegas.  Table Topics, a game that got us all talking and provided for interesting conversation.

Comfy cozy in Georgia's red and black

For our final morning, we headed out for a hike. Just minutes from the house offered a perfect climb!
Like a mountain goat, Xander raced up the mountain, despite the path being covered in cacti and pricklies on all sides.

A little Lion King moment

A view from the top

Three generations of Martin men

We are looking forward to future visits to Tucson and continued exploring!