Those cheeks!
He does not have these after losing weight
in the first couple days, but he is definitely chunking back up.
Aunt Jan
Alexander was born late on Tuesday night. My Aunt Jan had been camping on base for a week so she could be here when our friend Nick was here from Japan. She was Alexander's first visitor. She's like me and admittedly not a baby person, but of course our son won her over. Teehee
Grandpops visits in the hospital
Grandpops visits in the hospital
My dad got on his way to meet Xander first thing Wednesday morning. Poor Daniel had hunted through his phone under 'Michael' to let him know of Xander's arrival the night before, but couldn't find his name (it was under 'Zanna's dad'). Luckily my mom got word to him ASAP.
Alexander took to his Grandpops immediately!
My dad stayed through for a couple days at a hotel down the road,
allowing us to have time alone as our little family
before people started staying with us.
My dad stayed through for a couple days at a hotel down the road,
allowing us to have time alone as our little family
before people started staying with us.
My mom was planning to come Saturday when her school let out for Christmas break, but she had had a head cold that week so she waited until she had been totally healthy for 24 hrs and headed down Sunday.
Grandmama wasn't sure she would be able to come. We're so glad you're here!
Grandmama playing with Mr. Fox (Fuks)
The fox was Daniel's German puppet. Xander loved playtime with Grandmama!
Grandmama wasn't sure she would be able to come. We're so glad you're here!
Grandmama playing with Mr. Fox (Fuks)
The fox was Daniel's German puppet. Xander loved playtime with Grandmama!
Nick got to meet him while here from Japan!
This also allowed us to FaceTime with his wife, Julie, one of my very best friends.
Aunt Leaha (probably the voice he heard most besides mine
before coming into this world- daddy was overseas for just over 3 months)
Heather stopped by after work!
Aabett came to meet little bear,
and brought me a much needed nursing aid to calm the beast.
Thank you!!
Karlee wooed our little man
Jonathan getting snuggles
Baby swap with Abby and Karamia
I cannot believe how big Kara is at six months. So much personality!
I first met her at two weeks, Alexander's current age.
It will be so fun to watch Alexander grow to this point.
We had Alexander's two week appointment today.
The doctor used the word "perfect" multiple times!
All dressed up for our appointment
He is measuring in the 61st percentile for height and the 75th percentile for weight.
His jaundice is gone and his circumcision has healed perfectly.
The goal for weight is to be back to birth weight by the two week appointment. Our big boy is a full half pound over his birth weight! He is a great eater.
We still have our nights and days a bit mixed up, sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches in the day but wanting to be up nearly every hour at night. The doctor advised us not to rock him completely to sleep but have him practice falling asleep on his own and keeping noise and light around during day naps and dark and quiet at night.
Asleep in Gammie's arms
I am starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. At first, I think I was running on adrenaline. The past few days I have felt extremely sensitive and more emotional than normal. No mayhem from my little man to speak of, though, so I will work through this!
Our first restaurant outing