Wednesday, December 9, 2015

One Birthday Here, Another Coming!

 Yesterday was my 32nd birthday and I was so blessed to celebrate it with Daniel!  He got home just three days earlier after an adventurous trip home. Zoey was more than a little excited to have him back!  Last night, for my birthday dinner, we kept it low key with pizza from my favorite, Mellow Mushroom.  
Not sure how to get video to work yet.  Needless to say, Zoey was happy daddy came home

         We did some Christmas shopping after my 38 week appointment yesterday morning (everything is progressing, but no baby yet!) and while we were shopping, we got to see my beloved coworkers and kiddos on a field trip to the movies!  I love my job so much and was so excited to get to see them today.  I am really going to miss them over my maternity leave. 

 Later, we grabbed some pizza with a few of my faves...Leaha & Jesse, Christian, and Nick (who is here from JAPAN!).  To our surprise, it was trivia night, and we were terrible.  I think we walked out with a whopping three points.  Lots of fun!

Birthday dinner at Mellow Mushroom

          One of the coolest things about this birthday?  Our buddy Nick is in town all the way from Japan!  He came over Sunday night for football and chicken n dumplings, and brought me these gorgeous (and delicious) birthday cupcakes!  Yum!
Beautiful birthday cupcakes

        Here's a sneak peak at the bear cave.  Can't wait to meet you, little man!  Hope it's closer to your mama's birthday than to Christmas.  Any day now.

Pictures of The Bear Cave

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