Just before falling asleep, we heard sleigh bells for the first time in our home (a tradition that began at least as far back as Alexander's paternal great grandfather, Dave). We snuggled in and waited for Christmas morning. It was another night with very little sleep for me, but it seems to be getting better day by day.
Our Christmas duds
Thank you, Aunt Heidi!
A gift from Granpops & Grandma Jay
We are so excited to share the story of Christmas with Xander. To help us with this, Grandpops and Grandma Jay gave us a Little People nativity scene! It is going to be so nice to be able to act out the story of Christmas so that Xander will know the reason for the season right from the beginning.
Softies just like mom & dad's
The greatest example of regifting in history
This gift really threw me for a loop. The tag on the gift simply said, "To Alexander." We had placed it under the tree near the gift from Daniel's dad, and the handwriting looked like his, so we opened the gift assuming it had come from Grandpa. We opened the hedgehog first. Daniel immediately recognized it as being just like a stuffed animal he had as a baby. How sweet to have a reminder of daddy's toys.
Next, we opened the cow. Tears welled up in my eyes. This is the same cow my brother gave me on my first Christmas! Turns out, the gift was indeed from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Mary. This isn't a matching cow; this is THE cow that my brother gave me 32 years ago on my first Christmas! Oh the love in my heart! And Aunt Mary happened to pick the absolute perfect matching softie, the little guy that is just like the one Daniel used to have. These two little guys hold so much meaning, so much love.
How to make Daniel smile? Show him his beautiful puppy!
Ryan & Mary also gave us this gorgeous rendition of our sweet princess. Their friend, Alex, who I had the pleasure of hanging out with on my trip to Austin, does these beautiful animal portraits. I was crazy for the one they had of their pup, Jackson, and was so thrilled to get one of our sweet girl.
Our first born
A Craftsman Present: so exciting!
His first Radio Flyer
From Grandpa, Xander got his first Radio Flyer! It is a child sized version of the classic. Perfect for the little man to play with. I am dying to see if he can fit in it for some adorable pictures,
After a fabulous morning as a family of four, my mom and Aunt Jan came over for Christmas dinner and holiday cheer. We feel truly blessed this Christmas and are so grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Watkins women with our little bear
Glad you're here, Gammie!
On our trip to Japan this summer, we had a truly amazing meal overlooking Tokyo from the top of the Ritz Carlton. Our unbelievable waiter presented me with a bottle of rare sparkling sake to open on Chritsmas day to celebrate the birth of my son, as I could not indulge in the complimentary beverages during our dinner. I just had a sip to celebrate. Not a huge fan of sake, but very appreciative of the gesture!
Aunt Jan working hard at active play with Alexander
A Christmas gift
Here, Alexander is sporting my first Christmas pjs. They fit him perfectly! Another 32 year old addition to Alexander's first Christmas.
We can't wait for Grandmama to get here later today. We're going to have a full house with our family of four, Gammie and Grandmama!
Alexander's belly button is cute and clean now. Yay!
He eats about every 2 hours, until I'm ready for bed. The past two nights he has wanted to eat every hour starting at about eleven.
Winter pjs
He eats about every 2 hours, until I'm ready for bed. The past two nights he has wanted to eat every hour starting at about eleven.
Winter pjs
He is very handsy. He doesn't like to be swaddled because it constricts his little hands. They are always moving! I imagine all the movement I felt during pregnancy was hands and not feet like I thought. He's getting ready to be a wide receiver!
As the newborn look gives way to his
own features, it is becoming clear that he looks like his mama. Same chin and lips as when I was a baby (my mom forgot to bring the pictures, but a side by side comparison will be made). He has long feet so maybe Daniel's prediction of 6'4 will be accurate.
He loves tummy time!
Personality wise he is pretty easy going- usually (see mayhem). He appears to have no rigidities, being happy in various swings, rockers, baby wearing carriers, being held by different people, even taking his first bottle from my mom (again- see mayhem). As a baby I had to have a set schedule or I was thrown way off. Seems he is like his daddy in his laid back (stoic) personality.
Our sweet little bear has a temper! He is figuring out
that I am here to provide and thus is calming down more easily, but in the first week we had some crazy tough times. There have been three nights where he screamed for at least five hours straight. He flails his arms and legs and squeals as loud as you can imagine, and turns purple from tensing up so strongly. These tantrums warranted the nickname psycho pig. He really does sound like a pig. It broke my heart for him to be so distraught. Luckily, I was able to talk to the lactation consultant for ideas as well as to try a few things friends suggested. One thing I did have to resort to, and had to let go of any guilt, is providing him a bottle when he begins turning purple from an oncoming psycho pig episode. It began the third night of these fits, when he had been screaming for five hours and hadn't eaten in nearly six. He refused every effort I made from the lactation consultant's suggestions, so I decided to try a bottle. He ate well, and promptly fell fast asleep. He has no difficulties with traditional feeding despite the occasional bottle. Now that he eats better, we don't seem to get so escalated. Thank God.
own features, it is becoming clear that he looks like his mama. Same chin and lips as when I was a baby (my mom forgot to bring the pictures, but a side by side comparison will be made). He has long feet so maybe Daniel's prediction of 6'4 will be accurate.
He loves tummy time!
Personality wise he is pretty easy going- usually (see mayhem). He appears to have no rigidities, being happy in various swings, rockers, baby wearing carriers, being held by different people, even taking his first bottle from my mom (again- see mayhem). As a baby I had to have a set schedule or I was thrown way off. Seems he is like his daddy in his laid back (stoic) personality.
Our sweet little bear has a temper! He is figuring out
that I am here to provide and thus is calming down more easily, but in the first week we had some crazy tough times. There have been three nights where he screamed for at least five hours straight. He flails his arms and legs and squeals as loud as you can imagine, and turns purple from tensing up so strongly. These tantrums warranted the nickname psycho pig. He really does sound like a pig. It broke my heart for him to be so distraught. Luckily, I was able to talk to the lactation consultant for ideas as well as to try a few things friends suggested. One thing I did have to resort to, and had to let go of any guilt, is providing him a bottle when he begins turning purple from an oncoming psycho pig episode. It began the third night of these fits, when he had been screaming for five hours and hadn't eaten in nearly six. He refused every effort I made from the lactation consultant's suggestions, so I decided to try a bottle. He ate well, and promptly fell fast asleep. He has no difficulties with traditional feeding despite the occasional bottle. Now that he eats better, we don't seem to get so escalated. Thank God.
You'd never guess how long and loud this little guy can scream
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