Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spring Break Photo Blast

Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed!

Easter marks the end of my spring break.  Though my main accomplishment was spring cleaning (quite a change from some past spring breaks!), I enjoyed getting some extra family time and took lots of pictures.

Alexander just started noticing his big sister, and tracks Zoey's movements when she is within sight.  I can't wait for their bond to grow!
We made it through our first full church service without having to sneak out with a fussy baby.  Maybe he understands the significance of Easter?

I'm hoping he's going through a growth spurt, because my baby that has slept in 4, 5, and 6 hour stretches since he was two weeks old has been eating every 45 min to an hour all night over spring break.  Maybe we'll both fall back into our routine this week...



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