Friday, March 4, 2016

Under the Weather

After our first week of daycare being such a success, our little guy caught the inevitable cold from starting back to school.

Sunday night, I made lasagna and our friend Brian came over to watch Spectre, as none of us had seen the new Bond movie.  For the first time since he was a newborn, Xander was inconsolable.  He was fed, clean, warm, and neither over-stimulated nor under-stimulated and yet he became so upset he was turning purple.  Daniel suggested we give him just a little Tylenol, and within 30 seconds our little guy was calm and peaceful.  I am always amazed that Daniel can pinpoint exactly what our little bro needs even when I am at a loss.

When this happened again Monday night, I thought, just possibly, our little guy was starting to teethe early.  Luckily, no medicine was needed, just some gentle rocking to sleep from Karlee at Bible study.  By Wednesday, he had a bit of congestion and a small cough.  His teachers said he was a mess on Thursday at school, much more fussy than they had seen him before.  Thursday night my throat started hurting, and today we are both coughing, him much more him than me, my poor little guy.

The good news is, Gammie is in town to watch him for our Dining Out tomorrow night, so she can take care of both of us!  We were both feeling better once we met her at the airport.

Pajama day!

Luckily, I don't work on Fridays, so other than a trip to the Commissary, we are all laying low and nursing these chest colds in the hopes of a quick recovery.  We are so glad to have Gammie here!

My little Beluga Whale in his hat from Gammie

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you get tons of advice but one thing that helped Jillian (she's had chest colds like once a month since birth) was some vicki on the tip of her nose and an aroma/essential oils diffuser :)
    Miss you and d mart! Shannon w
